Did you know that stress hormones can interfere with the hormones of lactation?
Did you have a stressful birth?
Is your baby gaining weight by breastfeeding or does he need supplemental feedings?
Do you have low milk supply?
Are you caught up in the frenzy of returning to work?
There are many situations that cause stress for new mothers. When you worry about how much milk you are pumping those stress hormones can actually
cause your body to react and as a result you get less milk. When this happens often enough your supply can decrease rather than increase even though
you are pumping.
On the other hand, when you are armed with the right tools and information, your stress levels decrease, you become more relaxed, and pumping becomes
quick and easy. More effective pumping can help increase your milk supply. Even if your supply has decreased, it now has the potential to recover and
The information here can help.
Now, two research based audio programs are available to help mother's milk production through relaxation and positive suggestions. For a limited time, get free immediate access to MP3 samples of these products that are designed to help mothers:
Decrease stress and increase milk supply
Have effective let down of milk while nursing or pumping - even in the NICU
Increase the effectiveness of pumping at work
Build the confidence to increase milk supply
To read more about what other mothers and professionals are saying about this program read the testimonials highlighted in yellow below.
Who are these programs for?
These programs aren't for everybody. So if you are wondering whether or not to download or order one or more of these, we've summarized just who needs
them to become more relaxed, to have a better pumping experience, and to build just the right milk supply. On the other hand, if you're already stress
and anxiety free, have a great milk supply, a baby who is gaining, and no worries about pumping at work then you probably don't need this for yourself.
Mothers who are returning to work and need or want to pump
Mothers who have a baby in the NICU
Mother who are pumping when they adopt a baby
Mother with low milk supply
Mothers who feel stress or anxiety
Mothers who need to supplement but don't want to use formula
Mothers who have a baby that is not gaining appropriately
Who are these programs NOT for?
For many mothers facing milk supply problems, stress, anxiety, or worries about their baby, or returning to work, these CDs and MP3s are a real
solution to their problems. But, if you match the description below you probably don't need this help for yourself and may be searching for information
or products to help a friend or family member.
Mothers who are already relaxed and having a great nursing experience
Mothers who have a full and robust milk supply
Mothers who are already pumping successfully at home/work
Mothers who have no stress or anxiety about pumping and who have a great supply
I was having a problem with low milk production. The lactation consultant that I spoke with told me to try supplemental pumping in
order to increase my milk supply. With three active children to care for, I always felt rushed when I used my breast pump. I was
always watching the clock which caused me to be very tense. After speaking to Robin at NewBorn Concepts, I was given the Pumping CD to try. Before
listening to the CD I found pumping stressful and I never felt like I was pumping for long enough periods of time. I also didn't feel like I was having
a good milk let down when I pumped. When I listened to the CD, things instantly changed for me. I loved that the guided imagery was
timed so I didn't have the tension of being a "clock watcher". I found comfort in knowing that once the track was over, I had pumped for the proper
amount of time. I also saw a positive change in my milk production. When I listened to the CD I felt more relaxed and in turn, my production increased. I found the CD to be a valuable tool to assist me in my pumping.
-Tara, mother of three
Guided imagery is an evidence-based practice. In one study, Feher et al. discovered that women who used an audiotape of guided imagery increased their
milk production as much as 121% over a group of women not using an audiotape. I am happy that this CD, specifically for women who are pumping, is
available. In my private practice, I frequently encounter women having difficulties collecting milk while at their place of employment. I have
suggested to these mothers that they listen to music through earphones to create a safe and private space for pumping. Now I can suggest they use this
-Nikki, lactation consultant
For some reason, my milk supply is very low when I pump at work. I am very excited about this CD.
-Maria, mother of one
Your tempo is just perfect and the music is the best I've heard for...focusing and helping your body truly "let go". I give your CD a resounding A +. Every new mom that ever felt worried about her milk supply should have this in her hands.
-Jenny, midwife
As an additional bonus, if you register right now you will get access to my Tools and Tips for Pumping parent handout, audio samples of Hypnosis for Pumping Milk and Hypnosis for Making More Milk and two more audio samples designed to develop relaxation skills and confidence for childbirth, and a general relaxation program for anyone experiencing everyday stress.